
How to add extra fields to M2M relations in Django?
4 Minutes

How to add extra fields to M2M relations in Django?

In Django, if you need to create a many-to-many relation, you must use `ManyToManyField` for this purpose and Django automatically generate an intermediary model, and everything is okay. But what do we do to add extra fields to the intermediary model in Django?
How to override error pages in Django?
2 Minutes

How to override error pages in Django?

Customizing error pages in your web application or website is a handy feature because of giving an excellent experience to users and let you lead users to the right page after seeing the error. So lets see how to override these pages in Django projects.
How to deploy Django based projects?
5 Minutes

How to deploy Django based projects?

The world is vast. Science, too. It's interesting to know that programming is also widespread. Python, as a programming language, has many orientations. Nowadays, for web development with Python, I think Django is a great and powerful web framework for this purpose. Let's see how to deploy a Django-based project on the server.